Camping Toilet And Shower Tent

Camping Toilet And Shower Tent

Looking for a place to do your, umm, thing can be a pain when you’re camping outdoors and there are no modern toilets available. Your only choice would be to either dig a hole or hold it until you get back to civilization. Thankfully, technology has allowed for the creation of portable camping toilets. And afterwards, there’s the camping toilet tent – the very definition of cool camping gear.

What is a Camping Toilet Tent? Don’t worry – it doesn’t come with plumbing tubes and pipes that you’d have to assemble and de-assemble. It’s basically a portable toilet built inside a tent. But that’s not the only way it can help. It can also double as the following:

This is a G-dsend if you’re camping on the beach or you’re camping with other groups with members from the opposite sex that you’re not particularly close to. It can be converted into a changing shelter to provide you privacy while changing so you wouldn’t need to have everyone leave your tent just to change clothes. You wouldn’t have to risk changing clothes in the woods either – there’s really no telling when prying eyes may be watching.

These tents are basically where you can do everything that requires privacy, and what’s more private than showering? All you need to do is to bring in buckets of fresh water, zip the doors shut and it’s almost like you’re taking a bath in home sweet home. Well, okay, a hot shower may not be possible if you’re out in the woods but you can always heat your water, can’t you?

Camping Toilet Tent – Cool Camping Gear Defined

What are the Options?One thing you should also remember about camping toilet tents are that they’re just that: tents specifically designed to provide privacy for using the toilet. And yes, that means you’ll have to buy a flush toilet separately.

You have several options when it comes to choosing a such a tent. Just remember that the more features your choice has, the higher the price you’ll pay for it.

It may not seem possible, but they actually fold up quite nicely to the point of being compact. Not as compact as other portable toilets but still compact enough to bring without slowing you down.

Not all of them are easy to set up so again – like I always advise – have the sales agent or demo rep provide you with an on-the-spot demo. Then give it a try and if you run into trouble, don’t hesitate to ask for additional help. Ask all the questions you can think of. Camping toilet tents are the very definition of cool camping gear – your own private comfort room in the middle of the woods?! What’s not cool about that? – but it’s not going to be too cool if you can’t even set it up.

Some such tents come with roofing but others are simply like dressing stalls and roofless. Naturally, the ones with roofing are better and more expensive. They can provide instant and temporary shelter when a storm catches you unprepared.

None comes with its own showerhead but some do come with the loops and lines that allow you to hang a showerhead and make showering a breeze.

Again, none of them comes with built-in lighting but they’re designed to allow users to attach overhead lighting so that you can still use it with comfort and ease even at night.

Make sure it’s durable and weatherproof – you wouldn’t want the walls to come crashing down while you’re in it.
Last, look for those with a floorless design since it’s the most sanitary option for using this outdoor home away from home, whether you’re just taking a shower or€¦doing something else.

Keep these features in mind and you’ll have toilet facilities fit for a king when you next go camping.

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